The Red Folder

Archived from April 22, 2024. 

Key stories for the week, brought to you by the distinguished newsman Sasha Morel.

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Domestic Stories

3 key domestic stories for the week:

1) Trump’s Confidant is Now His Enemy Sasha Morel

Michael Cohen, once vocal about his willingness to endure anything for Donald Trump, now finds himself positioned as a key prosecution witness in the ex-president's trial. The trial, unprecedented in U.S. history, commenced on Monday in a Manhattan court, marking the pinnacle of Cohen's journey from Trump's loyal lawyer and "fixer", to a vocal opponent.

"I'm the guy who would take a bullet for the president," Cohen declared to Vanity Fair in 2017.

The trial revolves around Cohen's $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, a porn star, prior to the 2016 election, aimed at silencing her regarding a past encounter with Trump. Cohen, formerly a high-ranking executive at Trump's real estate empire before transitioning into his legal counsel, asserts that Trump orchestrated the payment.

Trump, now facing 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal the payment, has vehemently denied any involvement with Daniels and has labeled Cohen a "serial liar."

Cohen's stance shifted midway through Trump's presidency as federal investigators scrutinized his role in the Daniels payment and other affairs. His 2019 testimony before a U.S. congressional committee revealed his disillusionment: "I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is. He is a racist. He is a con man. He is a cheat."

Following Trump's 2023 indictment, Cohen expressed his commitment to "speak truth to power," even if it meant becoming Trump's adversary.

This isn't Cohen's first time testifying against Trump. In a prior civil fraud case regarding Trump's property valuations, Cohen disclosed manipulating property values to align with Trump's directives. Subsequently, a judge ordered Trump to pay substantial penalties and interest for misleading lenders and insurers.

Cohen's journey began in 2007 when he joined the Trump Organization as executive vice president and special counsel. Prior to that, he practiced malpractice law and owned a taxi fleet. His association with Trump deepened during the 2016 presidential campaign, where he served as a legal advisor. Despite his proximity to Trump during his presidency, Cohen never held an official White House position.

In 2018, amidst revelations about the hush money payment to Daniels, Cohen initially claimed personal responsibility for the payment, denying any reimbursement from the Trump campaign or organization. However, he later pleaded guilty to violating federal campaign finance laws, attributing the payment to Trump's directive. He provided evidence of reimbursement, including a $35,000 check from Trump's personal account.

Cohen's legal troubles culminated in a three-year prison sentence for various offenses, including tax evasion and lying under oath to Congress about a proposed Russian building project. He served over a year before his release.

Despite Cohen's pivotal role as a witness, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg faces risks due to Cohen's history of false statements. Cohen's testimony, especially from the civil fraud trial, may be exploited by Trump's defense during cross-examination.

Cohen, now married with two children, has acknowledged his wrongdoing and attributed much of it to his unwavering loyalty to Trump. He anticipates attacks from Trump and his allies, viewing them as predictable maneuvers.

"It's all part of the playbook," Cohen remarked in a 2023 interview with Reuters.

This relationship between Cohen and Trump’s new legal team could make or break the case for either side. As possibly the strongest anti-Trrump voice in the court, every one of his words will serve as fuel to the fire to put Trump behind bars. The ball now lies on Trump's side of the court, where he and his legal team must persuade the judge to remove Cohen as a witness. Using his disbarment, and record of lying under oath in the past, it’s the most favorable option for Trump to oust his biggest challenger.

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2) A Blue Streak for Republican Johnson Sasha Morel

In the wake of Iran's attack on Israel, the corridors of power in Washington buzzed with tension as House Speaker Mike Johnson grappled with the weight of his decisions. Conversations previously obscured from public view unfolded, revealing the intricate dance of political maneuvering that shaped Johnson's path forward.

One pivotal exchange occurred between Johnson and House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, a behind-the-scenes dialogue that hinted at the delicate balance Johnson sought to strike. In this private call, Johnson expressed his readiness to advance foreign aid initiatives, despite the potential fallout from dissenting Republicans. Jeffries, keenly aware of the need for bipartisan support, probed Johnson on his ability to rally Republican backing for aid to Ukraine, setting the stage for a high-stakes negotiation.

Returning to the political cauldron of Washington, Johnson found himself thrust into a maelstrom of conflicting interests and fierce opposition from within his own party. Hardline conservatives, wary of Johnson's strategy to navigate the treacherous waters of foreign aid allocation, unleashed a barrage of criticism and threats. The looming specter of a motion to remove Johnson as speaker cast a long shadow over his deliberations, forcing him to tread carefully as he charted a course forward.

In the crucible of Capitol Hill, Johnson's resolve was tested as he grappled with the monumental decision before him. Wrestling with the competing demands of party loyalty and national interest, Johnson sought solace in moments of quiet reflection and prayer. As the gravity of his decision weighed heavily upon him, Johnson found himself torn between the imperatives of political expediency and moral conviction.

Ultimately, Johnson emerged from this crucible of uncertainty with a steely determination to pursue what he believed to be the right course of action. His decision to press ahead with billions of dollars in foreign aid, despite the tumultuous political climate, underscored his commitment to principle over pragmatism. The tense scenes that played out on the House floor served as a testament to the deep divisions and ideological fault lines that shaped Johnson's leadership.

Yet, amidst the chaos and discord, Johnson remained resolute in his conviction that history would judge him not by the vagaries of political expediency, but by the clarity of his moral compass. His embrace of Ukraine aid represented a remarkable evolution, driven by a confluence of personal conviction, geopolitical imperatives, and the weight of responsibility inherent in leadership.

As Johnson's foreign aid plan cleared legislative hurdles and garnered bipartisan support, the echoes of his decision reverberated far beyond the hallowed halls of Congress. In a time of unprecedented uncertainty and global upheaval, Johnson's steadfast leadership stood as a beacon of hope and resilience, a testament to the enduring power of principle in the face of adversity.

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3) The Debt Increases Yet Again…and For Israel! AmandaLesly Miranda

In a pivotal diplomatic maneuver, the United States has formally disclosed a substantial foreign aid allocation designated for the State of Israel, further cementing the enduring bilateral partnership between the two nations. The announcement, disseminated through official channels by senior representatives from both jurisdictions, underscores the unwavering commitment to fortifying regional security dynamics and fostering economic resilience.

The aid package, delineated with meticulous attention to detail and valued at a considerable sum, encompasses a multifaceted array of initiatives strategically designed to fortify Israel's defense infrastructure, catalyze economic growth, and propel technological innovation. Integral to this initiative is the provision of cutting-edge military apparatus and sophisticated technological platforms aimed at enhancing Israel's defensive capabilities against emergent and persistent threats.

In tandem with the aforementioned military provisions, the aid package allocates substantial resources towards bolstering the economic landscape of Israel. Specifically, targeted investments are earmarked for critical sectors such as transportation infrastructure, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. Such strategic injections of capital are poised to catalyze sustainable economic expansion and foster socio-economic advancement within the Israeli populace.

Moreover, the aid package epitomizes a joint commitment to collaborative technological advancement, as the United States and Israel embark upon shared endeavors in domains including cybersecurity, renewable energy, and biotechnology. This concerted effort seeks to harness the collective expertise and ingenuity of both nations, positioning them at the vanguard of global innovation and technological progress.

The timing of this announcement is particularly salient, occurring amidst a milieu of regional complexities and geopolitical exigencies. By reaffirming its steadfast support for Israel's security and prosperity, the United States underscores the enduring depth and resilience of the bilateral partnership.

In reciprocation, Israel acknowledges and appreciates the United States' unwavering solidarity, recognizing the pivotal significance of the aid package in fortifying its strategic interests and safeguarding its national sovereignty.

The aid package serves not only as a testament to the shared values and strategic alignment between the United States and Israel but also as a tangible manifestation of their collective commitment to advancing peace, stability, and prosperity within the Middle East and beyond. 

Many people are opposed to this aid as it puts us further into debt and focuses on other countries other than ourselves. This is causing heavy division between parties and our legislative branch, and is causing a tear between the our society. Many wonder if these efforts are in vain, or if they will even succeed in the first place with the growing conflict.

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