$311,000+ in free resources provided
800+ volunteers across 25+ chapters
11,900+ hours of free coaching
14,000+ people impacted
1,100+ pages of resources created
The stats don't lie...
...speech & debate for all.
What do our students
have to say?
What about our history
of free tournaments?
We have hosted 25 free tournaments and scrimmages since 2021.
Too few debaters have no opportunities to compete on a national level against top notch competitors. Our tournaments give everyone a chance to practice, improve, and network with debaters across the country - 100% free. We organize experienced competitors and coaches to volunteer at our tournaments, giving high quality feedback to all competitors.
1,000+ entries:
all hosted 100% free.
How about our
free coaching programs?
Equality in Forensics has operated a variety of 100% free, online coaching programs, lectures, workshops, and camps. Read about them here.
Free 1-on-1 coaching
From August of 2022 to February of 2023, we paired students up with volunteer coaches for 1-on-1 mentoring.
We provided 45 students with high-quality, free coaching in congressional debate.
We provided 15 students with high-quality, free coaching in world schools debate.
Congress Coach Roster
> Nicholas Ostheimer
> Arik Karim
> Fiona Zhou
> Sarah Yousif
> CJ Getting
World Schools Coach Roster
> Brett Banks
> Bodhi Silberling
> Rodrigo Trujilo
> Diego Castillo
> Ollie Braden
Weekly congress labs
From February to April of 2023, we paired students up with workshops that met every week to learn and practice congressional debate.
We coached 10 students in the advanced lab for congressional debate.
We coached 15 students in the intermediate lab for congressional debate.
We coached 18 students in the beginner lab for congressional debate.
Our students went on to win 1st and 2nd place at the Florida Novice State Championship, make semifinals at the UK Tournament of Champions, finals at MS TOC and MS Harvard, and even win the National Catholic Forensic League Championship!
Congress Coach Roster
> Advanced Lab: Nicholas Ostheimer
> Intermediate Lab: Sarah Yousif
> Beginner Lab: CJ Getting
2023 Pre-NSDA Camp
To help underprivileged students across the country prepare for the NSDA National Speech & Debate Championship, we hosted a week long online camp in congressional debate and extemporaneous speaking.
We coached 20 students in the red lab for congressional debate.
We coached 26 students in the blue lab for congressional debate.
We coached 19 students in the green lab for extemporaneous speaking.
Congress Coach Roster
> Red Lab: Nicholas Ostheimer and Carter McDonald
> Blue Lab: CJ Getting and Georgia Liu
> Green Lab: Theodore Gercken, Waleed Haider, and Aidan Marks