
Regional chapters of Equality in Forensics offer supportive communities, conduct outreach, advocate for change & reform in their leagues, and host in-person events. Use the dropdown menu above to find your region. If you don't see your region, read how to start or join a growing chapter below.

Current chapters

What do chapters do?

Community Support

Many debaters, schools, and communities have limited access to support and opportunities. Small states are disconnected from the national circuit at large. Low income debaters can't access conventional support, like private coaches or pricy summer camps. Many underfunded teams can't even compete at the same level as established programs in their own league. 

Chapters are here to provide one of the only privileges you don't have to pay for: community. Your regional chapter is a large group of nearby speakers and debaters who would love to welcome you into your community. 

For example, each chapter has a WhatsApp group that includes every chapter member. This is a fantastic forum to ask questions, receive advice, find out about opportunities, or even organize in-person meet ups!

Resource Outreach

As a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Equality in Forensics can only reach so far. Our conventional methods to promote our resources often fail to reach those teams and competitors who really need them the most. Chapters are often the best way to help debate communities in their entirety, not just those who happen to hear about Equality in Forensics.

Regional Advocacy

Often, regional communities could use a bit more support and structure when it comes to influencing league policy. Students deserve to make their voice heard. Chapters are the perfect platform to consolidate student opinion and make your opinion felt.

In the past, Equality in Forensics chapters have rallied around certain causes. For example, South Florida rallied around the petition to remove the conversion therapy bill from the final round of the state congress championship. Our Idaho chapter advocated against a state proposal to limit the number of tournaments each school in the state league may attend.

In-Person Events

Our chapters rally students around the country to make speech & debate more accessible on a local, state, and national scale. We do this through all sorts of in-person events, such as clothing and tech drives where we collect extra clothes or equipment and distribute them to debaters in need. Chapter members may even simply meet up for dinner after local tournaments to make friends and forge connections!

How can I start a chapter?

Chapter Requirements

We're ready to start one.

What's next?

Fill out the Chapter Interest Form here!

Chapters involve a great deal of work and commitment. Each chapter basically functions as a team of competitors from across a region, that serves to uplift each member of the chapter and their schools. Chapter leadership must be deeply invested in the local speech & debate community and committed to improving it through the chapter.

All of a chapter's leadership has a few constant responsibilities:

When a chapter is first founded by the initial members, the Board of Directors will nominate and select temporary leadership until the next election. This is because it's impossible to run a real election with only a handful of interested people. This will involve a rigorous application and interview process.

Every year in April, chapters elect their leadership for the next year. They elect 3 individuals:

When the chapter is first formed, there are a few critical steps necessary to get the ball rolling.

This is just some general information about what being involved with a chapter looks like! If you're interested, we encourage you to get in touch with our Chapter Director about starting a chapter. If there is already a chapter in your region, sign up to join your chapter.

If you have any questions, 

email our chapter director: