
What is an authorship?

An authorship speech is the first affirmative speech given in each round, by the competitor who submitted the piece of legislation in the docket. As the person who introduced the issue, the author is expected to have the greatest understanding of the topic at discussion and introduce the intent and action plan of their legislation to the remainder of the chamber. 

Who gives an authorship speech?

How does an offcicial authorship/sponsorship affect precedence/recency?

An official authorship/sponsorship is the only type of speech for which precedence/recency can be legally disturbed in favor of a competitor in round. 


This speech should be prepared before hand. The expectation is that the speech is polished since it can be written entirely beforehand. Lay out the problem, how your bill solves it and why that matter and do so simply.  Since you're speaking early, establish round presence in questioning and defend your side.

Check out our full resource page on Authorships and Sponsorships here.

What should I do if I am denied my authorship speech?

As authorships, unofficial sponsorships, and official sponsorships vary minimally in their structure and purpose, the main variation between these three types of speeches will be in the legislation itself and the goal which the legislation is trying to achieve - and how the legislation will be effective and ethical in achieving it. Examples of authorship/sponsorship speeches can be broken down in a similar structure. 

Watch an example of a sponsorship speech in action at the 2023 House finals here!  (Start at 45:39)

Unofficial vs Official Sponsorship

Do all tournaments recognize official sponsors? 

What is an unofficial sponsorship/first affirmative speech?

How does an unofficial sponsorship affect precedence and recency?

Need help crafting the perfect  sponsorship and early round  speeches?

Watch this lecture by  Breck DuPaul that goes into the ins and outs of early round speaking. 

Teacher Retention and Diversity Act (EXAMPLE EIF)

Check out a sponsorship Breck DuPaul, our Congress Director, wrote and gave! 

Also follow our breakdown of Katy's sponsorship speech below!



Copy of Mastering Sponsorships

  For quick access, check out this slideshow on constructives by CJ Getting. This will help you master the skill in no time. 

Follow our breakdown of  Genevieve's constructive speech below, but first read our summary of the first affirmative for context!

Constructive Speeches

What is a constructive?

AA constructive speech is a speech which is designed to introduce the bulk and framework of the legislation and the issues to which it pertains. Think of it as the skeleton of a body, while the later speeches following the constructives are the muscle and flesh. 

What should be contained in a constructive?

- its good to include the Common Warrant here, a common warrant is the  underlying assumption/fact that makes your side's argument true

What SHOULD NOT be in a constructive?

Example Constructive Speeches

Legislation: An increase in the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. 

1st negation speech: Genevieve Cox - Ascend Speech and Debate Camp Showcase 2021  <-----click here to watch the video

In order to understand the direction of the debate and central contentions of the first negation speech, it is necessary to first understand the legislation itself as well as the contentions and stakeholders recognized by the sponsorship/first affirmative speech.

Contentions of the sponsorship/first affirmative speech:

 Hunter Brown - Ascend Speech and Debate Camp Showcase 2021<----- click here to watch the video

Breakdown of the 1st negative speech which followed immediately the 1st affirmative:

Mid-round speeches

What is a mid-round speech? 

Who gives a mid-round speech?

What is the difference between a mid-round speech and a constructive speech?

What should be avoided in a mid-round speech?

Want to see a mid round speech in round?

Watch this speech given by Grace Jackson at the 2024 EIF round robin! (Start at 2:14:55)

Example Mid-Round Speech

Nicholas Ostheimer - Tournament Final Year

Nick - A Bill to Fund Haiti to Strengthen its Relationships with Other Caribbean Countries (PUBLIC)

Check out an example of a mid round speech by Nick Ostheimer, our executive director!


Check out this crystal speech by Arik Karim at the 2023 house final round! (Start at  2:42:48)

Example Crystal Speech

Nicholas Ostheimer - Tournament Final Year

Nick - A Resolution to End United States Support for the Saudi-Led Military Intervention in Yemen (PUBLIC)

Check out this example of a late round speech! Our check out another below where Nick actually proposed an Amendment...

Nick - A Bill to Create Universal Pre-K to Foster Equitable Education (PUBLIC)

Crystallization Speeches

What is a crystallization speech?

Is it true that a crystallization speech doesn’t require preparing and prior research?

When is a crystallization speech given?

Who gives a crystallization speech?

What should a crystallization speech contain: 

What should be avoided in a crystal speech:

Mid Round v. Crystal

What is the difference between a mid-round and a crystal?

During mid to late round speeches especially, it's easy to blend in with other speakers . This makes standing out and being unique crucial if you wish to climb the ranks of judges.